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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

Nov 17, 2021

10 Holiday Stressors

1.  Failing to order gifts on time (3:11)

2.  Stressing about what to cook & how to cook it. (5:56)

3.  Experiencing generalized worry (10:03)

4.  Feeling alone (14:32)

5.  Indulging in too much food (18:56)

6.  Indulging in too many glasses of wine & spirits  (23:58)

7.  Attending lots of functions  (27:20)

8.  Experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) (31:45)

9.  Resisenting what is  (35:41)

10.  Setting high expectations for the new year (39:12)

11. Dealing with insomnia (41:50)


* Take an online anxiety assessment to make sure you are in a healthy place.

* Take an online assessment for depression to make sure you are in a healthy place.