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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

Jun 30, 2021

Join us as Angi, Susie, and Katie chat about summer moves, college tours, and rituals we experience as FS families.  Please share your stories with us in the comments!

Jun 23, 2021

*A bunch of practical advice!  
(1min. conversations, get out of jail free pass, Google family link)
*How to intervene before things get "icky".
*How to monitor a school-issued email account.
*Having a balanced view of your child's screen time usage.
*What to do if your child is being bullied or is bullying others.

Jun 16, 2021

*Lists to the rescue! Be sure you are getting needed tasks done but be flexible in making plans. 
*Set healthy boundaries! What is your budget? How much socializing can you take? How extensive will your "tourist activities" be? 
*Understand every family members needs and wants. Each family member may have a different...

Jun 9, 2021

Parent question: Should I ask for promises of...

Jun 2, 2021