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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

Jun 28, 2023

Finding Meaning and Purpose as an accompanying male spouse.  
Luke Beer discusses the opportunities and challenges of being an accompanying male spouse and the opportunities he's found to find purpose and community as a member of Rotary International.
Podcast correction - Luke is...

Jun 21, 2023

Let's address the acceptance and the challenges of raising LGBTQIA kids in different cultures around the globe.  How can we best support our kids and their individuality when the outside world won't always be accepting?

Share your ideas, input, suggestions and thoughts with us at

or email us at

Jun 14, 2023

This month we discuss living LGBTQAI in overseas diplomatic life.  


Thanks for joining us here.  Send us your ideas and input to:



Jun 7, 2023

Susie, Jennie and Angi discuss the hardships and a few tips on a little-discussed topic in the diplo community.  Considering divorce while living overseas.

---Check out EPISODE 122- Advice from a Family Attorney on Divorce w/one or both living overseas  ---

Please see our other episode on this topic, from a legalisitic,...