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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

Oct 25, 2023

We survived growing up TCK!!

At ages 25 and 22 Billie and Jeremiah are living their young adult lives and ready to reflect on their THIRD CULTURE CHILDHOODs.  Each family must make the right choices for their own unique needs and tck life isn't right for everyone.  In this episode we find many benefits of diplo living....

Oct 18, 2023

Ever wonder if it's the right time for you to leave the the Diplo life?  This episode explores the consdierations and logistics of choosing a new path.  Join Katie & Susie for a thoughtful discssion on leaving the FS life.

Katie can help families with children who are having difficulty mastering reading.

Oct 11, 2023

I know...I know...we also cringe at the term "trailing spouse" but when titling podcasts...what's an equally and understood term?  Can we start making "traveling partner" a thing?  Or "freelance partner"?  Send your suggestions to

Insights from Luke & Tim:

Tim Claver Photography:

Oct 4, 2023

A discussion on newly arrived at post and experienced overseas living.  Luke & Tim share their perspectives.
Tim Claver Photography:
Luke Beer is a first-tour EFM living in Armenia along with his wife a USAID FSO, and their 4-year-old daughter. A Canadian-born, rural character who recently...