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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

Oct 27, 2021

Megan Norton shares her insights and wisdom after growing up in 6 different countries. As an adult who works with TCKs today she has a lot to share on the curiosity and courage our kids can develop.

Oct 20, 2021

The Big Purple Blob talks to Health Coach, Meredith Wiedemer

You can find incredible healthy snacks or contact Meredith on Instagram...

Oct 13, 2021

Two accounts of Medical Evacuation Travel and ideas to support yourself and your family if you encounter this situation.
To work directly with Jennie Linton and learn from her wisdom check out: The Expat Mom.
To work with Susie C. Brown and get individualized health coaching:

Oct 6, 2021

Find the person who can help you get answers & live your life fully. Big Purple Blob Parent Coaches -

I need help with my child's behavior-

I need support for my young child in reading & confidence-

I need to support...