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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

May 27, 2021

Wisdom and insight from the brilliant Angie Collins, raising her own teen girls with all the happenings: sports, friendships, school-changes, academic pressures, outdated expectations of femininity and more--she's been a leader for parents around the world in navigating the unpredictable waves of parenthood in...

May 20, 2021

  • plan for multi age level and varied interest
  • Included older kids in activity choice
  • add in side activities if main attraction isn't appealing
  • acknowledge the unhappiness
  • when your kid says "I don't want to go"
  • what worked today?

May 12, 2021

Deciding on an Educational Evaluation - the benefits for struggling students 

May 5, 2021

Digital Friendships and Farewells Episode:
Empowering kids in how we say Goodbye
The on-going discussion of friendship with our Third Culture Kids
Digital Friendships: Nourishing or Holding us back from new connections?

Turning Loneliness into Connection Podcast Episode:

Repatriation and Kids:  Eight Mistakes Parents...