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The Big Purple Blob PODCAST

Dec 29, 2021

Angie Collins is an EXPERT at creating routines, productivity and functionality for families.  To work with her directly check out--

Angi Solley works with teens and teaches emotional adaptability for ages 12-16

Susie is a genius on all things health- to...

Dec 22, 2021

Self Compassion- Build yourself stronger with Self Compassion- wisdom from the incredible Lisa Hope Tilstra
Lisa's site and podcast:
Kristin Neff's site:
and book: Self Compassion
Further reading: Susie's article on Healthy Expat...

Dec 15, 2021

Jennie and Susie share ideas for family support and building traditions that matter.

To work with Jennie check out:

To work with Susie see:

Dec 7, 2021

Susie and Angie share knowledge and experience in how to create community while moving every couple years.

To work directly on health & wellness with Susie check out:

To work directly with Parent Coach Angie: 

Dec 1, 2021 A great free website with options for all levels.  Some include equipment, many do not. An awesome option for those interested in shorter options.  Some include weights. Fun workouts, some to songs.  Easy...